
WFAD Statement on Global Commission on Drugs Report

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To summarize WFAD supports the following principles to serve as a platform for the drug policy debate:

ï‚· Drug policies should prevent initiation of drug use.

ï‚· Drug policies must respect human rights (for users and non-users alike)as well as the principle of proportionality.

ï‚· Drug policies should strike a balance of efforts to reduce the use of drugs and the supply of drugs.

ï‚· Drug policies should protect children from drug use.

ï‚· Drug policies should ensure access to medical help, treatment and recovery services.

ï‚· Drug policies should ensure access to controlled drugs for legitimate scientific and medical purposes.

ï‚· Drug policies should ensure that medical and judicial responses are coordinated with the goal of reducing drug use and drug-related consequences.8

For Complete response read here…

Statement from WFAD on the Global Commission on Drug Policy’s report Sept14

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