
USA: Push to Protect Weed Pushers – Say NO Mr President!

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For Immediate Release   

June 7, 2018

Contact: Colton Grace  


Statement from SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding Senator Cory Gardner’s Legislation Shielding Addiction-For-Profit Industry From Federal Law

[Alexandria , VA ] –  In response to today’s announced legislation by Colorado Senator Cory Gardner and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) President Dr. Kevin Sabet released the following statement: 

“Why is Senator Gardner standing for the same companies that were caught red-handed recommending pot to pregnant women? The state of Colorado still has taken no enforcement action against these businesses. By the way, they also make THC candies, cookies, 99% concentrates and other kid-friendly items.
“Further, Senator Gardner must have missed the recent NBC expose showing the complete infiltration of foreign drug cartels into Colorado using the cover of legalization.
“While Senator Gardner is calling this a ‘states’ rights’ approach, this bill essentially amounts to the federal legalization of marijuana. The bill would shield the pot industry in states that have liberalized their drug policies and prevent the enforcement of federal law. Additionally, the bill would grant marijuana businesses access to the federal banking system, allowing Wall Street investment on an unprecedented scale.
“Four years ago, as a member of the House, Cory Gardner voted against these very same provisions. Now that the pot industry has expanded in Colorado, normalizing use and advertising THC-laced candies to youth, he is singing a different tune. If enacted, this bill would pave the way for the commercialization of the marijuana industry and the creation of the next Big Tobacco.
“It is a shame that Senator Gardner has chosen to put political donations and expediency ahead of public health and safety. We are seeing communities across the country fight back and SAM applauds New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, and other states who have recently rejected Big Marijuana. We won’t stop amplifying the voices of families and individuals affected by these lax policies.”
In light of Senators Cory Gardner and Elizabeth Warren introducing a bill to shield the marijuana industry from enforcement of federal laws, our friends at the National Narcotics Officer’s Associations’ Coalition sent the letter below to President Donald Trump asking him not to weaken the federal policy on marijuana.
Please see their press release below.
All the best,
Kevin Sabet, PhD.
Founder and President
Smart Approaches to Marijuana
For Immediate Release
June 7, 2018
Contact: Bob Bushman [email protected]
NNOAC Urges President Trump to Not Weaken Enforcement of Federal Drug Laws
The National Narcotics Officers Association Coalition today released a letter to the President urging him not to weaken the memo issued by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions on January 4, 2018. The letter warns the President of the connection between legalized marijuana, the black market, and foreign cartel activity, as extensively documented by  NBC News and  Newsweek .
The text of the letter is as follows:
June 7, 2018
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20500
Dear Mr. President,
We write as representatives for major law enforcement organizations representing federal, state, and local law enforcement. We are deeply concerned about reports that you may be considering action to overturn the January 4, 2018 Memorandum from the Department of Justice that merely restates current federal drug laws.
The fact is, gangs and cartels have been making liberal use of legalization to provide cover for their illegal activities. These gangs have ties to Mexican, Cuban, Vietnamese, and Russian cartels. [i] The gangs often purchase homes in residential neighborhoods, wire in extra electricity and water capacity, and convert them into multi-million dollar grow houses in suburban neighborhoods. These gangs are also trafficking in other illegal drugs, organized crime, and prostitution. Crime has been steadily increasing in Colorado in all categories since legalization, including violent crimes. [ii]
Make no mistake, the black market does not honor state lines. Colorado and other legalized states have many embarrassing examples of providing cover for trafficking of marijuana to other states. In one of the most egregious examples, Operation Toker Poker, 62 people and 12 businesses were indicted for growing marijuana under the cover of legalization. Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman said, “The black market for marijuana has not gone away since recreational marijuana was legalized in our state, and in fact continues to flourish.” [iii]
In another example, an organized crime unit with multiple licenses to grow and manufacture marijuana was finally caught after several years of shipping marijuana to other states. The Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Colorado indicated that this was a common arrangement. [iv]
Other states, like Oregon and California, have been growing much more marijuana than the state can consume and are mass exporters of marijuana to other states. The California Growers Association estimates that their members grow at least eight times as much marijuana as the entire state of California can consume and ship the rest out of state. [v] The Oregon State Police estimate that their state grows four to five times as much as it can consume, shipping the rest as far as Florida and even abroad. [vi]
We urge you to see through the smoke screen and reject attempts to encourage more drug use in America.
National Sheriffs’ Association
Major County Sheriffs’ Association
Major Cities Chiefs Association
National Narcotics Officers’ Associations’ Coalition
National High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Directors’ Association
Law Enforcement Action Network
CC:      Marc Short, Office of Legislative Affairs
Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President
James Carroll, Acting Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
The Honorable Jefferson Sessions, Attorney General of the United States



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