
US: Teen Overdose Deaths Increasing

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After Eight Years of Decline, Overdose Mortality Among Teens is Increasing

Recently published findings by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2017), in partnership with Columbia University, show that marijuana users are more likely than non-users to use, abuse and become addicted to opioids.

The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions interviewed more than 43,000 American adults and followed up with more than 34,000, three to four years later. The results: study participants who reported past-year marijuana use in their initial interview were 2.6 times more likely to initiate opioid abuse compared to non-marijuana users and 2.2 times more likely than non-users to become addicted (using DSM IV criteria) to opioids, including heroin at follow-up. For more Cannabis Use To Blame


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