
United Kingdom: UK Labour Leaders Son’s Pot Project Poor Performance!

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Corbynomics really does make business go up in smoke! Labour leader son’s ‘National Hemp Service’ selling cannabis products goes bust owing £100,000

  • Jeremy Corbyn’s son Tommy set up a company selling products made of hemp
  • The firm, which was set up with Mr Corbyn’s help, has gone into liquidation 
  • The Islington-based company was called National Hemp Service – or NHS 
  • One angry investor claims he has lost £30,000 in the failed start-up venture 

23 November 2019

Has Jeremy Corbyn’s son provided a glimpse of the economic future under Labour?

The Daily Mail can disclose that the company Tommy set up with the support of his father has gone into liquidation with debts of £100,000.

Called National Hemp Service, or NHS, the business was to have sold a range of products made from hemp, a strain of cannabis, from a cafe in Mr Corbyn’s Islington North constituency in London.

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