
ENGLAND: Why Invest in Recovery?

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Alcohol and drug prevention, treatment and recovery: why invest?

Public Health England: Published 12 February 2018

Local commissioners, providers and healthcare professionals can use the ‘Why invest?’ slides to help make the case for investing in drug and alcohol treatment and interventions.

Estimates show that the social and economic costs of alcohol-related harm amount to £21.5bn, while harm from illicit drug use costs £10.7bn. These include costs associated with deaths, the NHS, crime and, in the case of alcohol, lost productivity.

Providing well-funded drug and alcohol services is good value for money because it cuts crime, improves health, and can support individuals and families on the road to recovery.

Local authorities and clinical commissioning groups are responsible for planning and funding alcohol and drug treatment and prevention services. Information about local specialist services in each area is available on the FRANK website.

The ‘Why invest?’ slides with notes and references can be downloaded from They can be used individually or as a complete set of 32 slides.

For complete report



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