
Colorado: Now they want to jack up vaping age to stem the damage?

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Proposed Law Raises Legal Age To Buy Tobacco, Nicotine Products To 21 In Denver: CBS Denver March 30, 2019

DENVER (CBS4)— The City and County of Denver Department of Public Health & Environment wants to raise the legal age to buy tobacco and nicotine products to 21. It’s a step health officials say will prevent thousands of teens from accessing these products.

“If somebody wants it they’ll end up getting it,” said Johann Gottschalk, the manager of Hush Vapor Lounge.

City leaders say usage of tobacco and nicotine products in increasing rapidly and research shows those who try e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke tobacco later in life. The policy change could stop the trend and promote public health, according to the health department.

“I don’t think that’s fair, I’m personally 19 and I’d be out of a job,” said Gottschalk. “I don’t see that three years making a huge difference.”

He started smoking when he was 16 and eventually switched to vape products. He says they are now a part of his daily life, both for work and personal use. He worries that teens can still sidestep this change by asking someone older to buy them the products they want.

“You could just have your friend who is 21 go into a vape store while you stand outside and I check his ID,” said Gottschalk.

The new law would not only raise the legal age from 18, it would also remove the sale of tobacco products from vending machines. One of the concerns related to vape products is the variety of flavors, options that can appeal to young teens. For complete article Colorado Cannabis Chaos Continues



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