
CANADA: Group wants pot billboard near kids’ music school taken down

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Liz Braun Published: November 22, 2017  Toronto SUN

Should a billboard claiming that marijuana legalization isn’t harmful be hanging over a kids’ music school in North York?

That’s the question being posed by Prevent, Don’t Promote, an organization opposed to the legalization of marijuana in Canada.

Prevent, Don’t Promote is particularly sensitive to anything that looks like advertising or marketing to children.

Marijuana billboard atop a child’s music business on Chesswood Drive in Downsview on Wednesday November 22, 2017. (Michael Peake/Toronto Sun)

The billboard in question hangs over Little Jammerz, a music school that caters to children from Kindergarten to grade six, according to their website.

And the billboard claims that legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington states did not increase its use. This is patently false, according to Rabbi David Cooper, a teacher and member of Prevent, Don’t Promote who has worked with drug users in the past.

“The word, ‘marijuana’ is on the sign, and kids can read that,” says Cooper – something he finds unconscionable to begin with.

“Legalization is the worst thing that could happen to Canada’

For more

Comment: All the stats from Colorado show that legalization has made things unequivocally worse, dreadful or lamentable. This is all amply documented in the Rocky Mountain High Drug Trafficking Area serial reports as well as numerous other published sources including the Surgeon General’s report and JAMA Psychiatry 2017 (Hasin D.). So bad that many locals, often led by the Professionals who are on the pointy end of the clean-up-the-mess operations, are organizing to roll back their home-grown disaster. A dismally failed experiment that the rest of the world – including Canadians led by their intrepid Prime Minister – have to follow as a matter of urgency!!! Because George Soros said so???  Sorry – this charade stopped making logical sense years ago…





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