
Ads aim to dispel myth that driving on cannabis is acceptable

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Young Canadians targeted in new Liberal ads warning of the risks of cannabis behind the wheel

By Dean Beeby, CBC News Posted: July 06, 2017

The Liberal government is planning a $2-million ad campaign targeting Canadians ages 16 to 24, to dispel the myth that cannabis does not impair driving.The Liberal government is planning a $2-million ad campaign targeting Canadians ages 16 to 24, to dispel the myth that cannabis does not impair driving. (Justin Sullivan/Getty)

Dean Beeby
Senior reporter, Parliamentary Bureau

Dean Beeby is a CBC journalist, author and specialist in freedom-of-information laws. Follow him on Twitter: @DeanBeeby

The Liberal government is preparing an ad campaign especially targeting young Canadians who think that driving under the influence of marijuana is acceptable.

Public Safety Canada is looking for a creative agency to produce spots for the $1.9-million campaign, to be rolled out before recreational cannabis becomes legal next summer.

The ads also aim to “reduce [the] percentage of Canadians that say they would be likely to accept a ride from someone under the influence of marijuana.” For more


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