through the modeling of Commission of Narcotic Drugs
The leaders of the “Regional Network of Youth Organizations and Youth Champions of Change in Central Asia for drug free, healthy, safe and secure societies” also made significant contribution to the event and facilitated the simulation of Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) session on drug use prevention.
During the CND, 25 participants engaged in discussions on the topic of “Drug Use Prevention among Youth in Central Asia” and collaboratively devised youth-driven solutions aimed at fostering a future free from drugs. The main reference documents for these discussions were UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention and the UNODC’s Handbook on Youth Participation in Drug Prevention Work.
Consequently, a youth-driven Resolution was presented to both UNODC and government organizations, delineating key priority areas Such as the implementation of evidence-based drug use prevention programs and advocacy for International Standards on Drug Use Prevention with policymakers. The Resolution also emphasized the establishment of “youth-cells” in local communities, educational institutions, and government organizations, as well as empowerment of leaders and members of the “Regional Network of Youth Organizations and Youth Champions of Change in Central Asia for drug free, healthy, safe and secure societies” through enhanced knowledge and skills via cascade training and workshops.
For complete article go to United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime