Cannabis-induced psychosis blamed in beheading of father at Muskoka cottage
Warning: Graphic and disturbing content
The court heard cannabis-induced psychosis, not a major mental disorder, spurred the brutal death of 67-year-old John Kehl by his then 31-year-old son Adam.
Adam Kehl voluntarily entered a plea of guilty to manslaughter in front of The Honourable Michelle Fuest in Barrie court on Nov. 22 who called the incident “horrifying and unusually brutal.”
The following (not publicly reported) heinous drug-induced behaviour happened in Pueblo, Colorado earlier November 2019
A young man who used a cannabis wax and then experienced an excited delirium episode in which he ran in on coming traffic swinging a metal rod at cars. He was tazed and tackled by police and came in with 3 police officers and 5 paramedics working to hold him down. Prior to arrival EMS had given him 50 mg of diphenhydramine, 5 mg of Haldol, and 2 mg of Versed and he continued to be that combative. On arrival here he took all of the aforementioned personnel plus 3 of our security officers to hold and move him to the bed and hold him down. I gave 10 mg of Versed with plans to likely need to intubate him. He became more relaxed and calm following, never required intubation. UDS only positive for cannabis. He developed rhabdo and was admitted to the peds service for this following.
Patient was 17 years old
“High potency” is typically 10-12% THC. That simply does not exist in Colorado. It’s too weak. Our kids have access to 17-20% THC easily to smoke as well as concentrates pushing 40-60% THC as well as the wax/shatters which are 90%+ THC. Easily and readily available to adolescents in Colorado.
We are at a tipping point in the US with our kids using these products.
Colorado Medical Doctor