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December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The holiday season is here, unfortunately it is also a time for an increase in drugged driving.
SAM and its project, DRIVING HIGH MEANS DUI, are proud to release this toolkit to help in your work.
Some one-liners to share on social media:
  • Driving high is increasing from coast-to-coast: Incidents of drugged driving are such a big concern across the country that the Governors Highway Safety Administration released a comprehensive guide for states to tackle the issue.
  • Commercialized states see more high drivers: According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there has been up to a six percent increase in the number highway crashes in four of the states that have allowed recreational marijuana.
  • Stoned driving is expensive to test: In Colorado in 2016, the state itself reported of the 27,000 people pulled over for impaired driving, only 4,000 were tested for marijuana because police say it was too costly to test them all.
  • Driving high affects all age groups: A SAMHSA study found that while driving under the influence of iilicit drugs peaks between the ages of 20 to 23, there is no discrimination when it comes to those who get behind the wheel impaired. The National Institutes of Health reports older Americans are doing it in increasing numbers.
The impacts of drugged driving to share:
Sample tweets: 

Other videos of use:

Sample Facebook post :
Pot and driving don’t mix. It’s no joke: December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Do your part and talk with family and friends about the dangers of driving high. Today’s pot is not what it used to be.
The false hopes and promises by Big Marijuana are the lumps of coal under any tree. This industry claims there are no victims when it comes to the use of commercialized marijuana.
Tell that to Corinne Gasper, who lost her daughter due to a high driver after he slammed his car into her’s going more than 80 miles an hour.
She, and others like her, have suffered because of this profits-over-people industry that will stop at nothing to become the next Big Tobacco- The last social disease this country had to face and one that took decades to bring under control.
Drugged driving any time of year is bad, but this holiday season when you’re enjoying your time with your family and friends, take a moment to remember all those who have suffered because of Big Marijuana and its unending rhetoric that pot is safe and harmless.
Recently, smart and informed voters in  North Dakota gave the industry the boot when they voted down a measure that would have legalized recreational marijuana. It will save countless lives on and off the roadways. But there is still much more work ahead as other states like  Illinois, New Jersey, and  New York consider similar proposals.
Please use the above information to promote the message that drugged driving is a growing problem that will only grow worse by allowing Big Marijuana to plant its claws into our society, our culture, and our lives.
About SAM
Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is a nonpartisan, non-profit alliance of physicians, policy makers, prevention workers, treatment and recovery professionals, scientists, and other concerned citizens opposed to marijuana legalization who want health and scientific evidence to guide marijuana policies. SAM has affiliates in more than 30 states.  Evidence shows that marijuana – which has skyrocketed in average potency over the past decades –  is addictive and harmful to the human brain especially when used by adolescents. In states that have already legalized the drug, there has been an increase in drugged driving crashes, youth marijuana use, and costs that far outweigh pot revenues. These states have seen a black market that continues to thrive, sustained disparities in marijuana arrest rates, and tobacco company investment in marijuana. 

For more information about marijuana use and its effects, visit


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