We have been blessed to be able to share our message in the pages of newspapers and media outlets all across the country this year.
In New York, we have covered made our case loud and clear in numerous papers throughout the states:
In LoHud, we challenged Governor Cuomo’s assumption that legalization would be a windfall for the state in terms of tax revenue:
” On his way out the door, California’s governor, a Democrat, stated plainly: “I have not counted on any revenue from marijuana. Who’s counting on the marijuana revenue? People said that to make it more plausible for voters.” What makes us think the New York experiment will be any different?“
The General Law Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly passed a bill to legalize the commercial sale of marijuana in the state on the same day that the New Jersey Senate was forced to cancel a scheduled vote on its bill to set up the marijuana industry there. In the Hartford Courant, we argued that Connecticut lawmakers should follow the example of other states and reject Big Marijuana:
“Legalizing marijuana would unleash the second coming of Big Tobacco – which is currently investing billions into Big Marijuana – by legitimizing an industry that markets highly potent, unregulated pot products. This will be like pouring gasoline on the fire that is the opioid epidemic. Connecticut lawmakers should defend public health, safety, and commonsense and kick the industry to the curb.”
In The Hill, a prominent national media outlet focusing on federal policy, our Director of Local Affairs and Executive Director of High Means DUI, Dana Stevens, pushed back on dangerous, pro-pot comments made by California Senator Kamala Harris:
“California senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris admitted during her recent appearance on “The Breakfast Club” radio show that she smoked pot in college. In an apparent effort to seem ‘cool’ for the hosts and audience, and making references to popular rap music, she went on to say, “I think it [marijuana] gives a lot of people joy. And we need more joy in the world.” Few would criticize Harris for smoking a joint in college, but her clear misunderstanding about the differences between today’s high-potency, commercialized marijuana and her college joint, are alarming. It demonstrates just how effective ‘Big Marijuana’ lobbyists have been at convincing politicians that legalizing weed is no big deal.”
Additionally, after SAM testified against the so-called SAFE Act, a bill that would grant the marijuana industry access to the federal banking system, we shared a piece detailing a comprehensive argument against the bill:
“Over the past week, many have discussed the recent congressional hearing for the so-called SAFE Act, a bill that supporters say would grant the marijuana industry access to the federal banking system. In reality, this bill should be renamed the UN-SAFE Act.
In Illinois, where newly-elected governor JB Pritzker has made legalization a key part of his policy platform, we are actively ramping up our activity and getting our message out.
In New Jersey, where we recently scored a huge win by forcing the State Senate to cancel a vote on the legalization bill, we have been a regular presence in the editorial pages of the Asbury Park Press :
NJ-RAMP Advisor Ijeoma Oparaparticipated in a “Pro/Con” debate arguingthat the proposed social justice arguments in favor of legalization can only truly be accomplished by supporting Senator Ron Rice’s decriminalization and expungement bill.
” It seems like every day there is a new twist in the long odyssey to legalize marijuana in New Jersey. One of the most widely used arguments centers on the issue of social justice. And while it is true that drug laws have disproportionately fallen on people of color, marijuana legalization is the wrong remedy.“
Additionally, Stephen Reid, who serves as the Executive Director of NJ-RAMP, argued in the paper that the promised windfall being used by Governor Murphy as a selling point for legalization in the state will fail to materialize:
” In his State of the State address last week and in many other instances, Murphy has repeatedly stated that social justice is the main driver of his push for legalization. But the reality is the governor is really after the tax revenue that supporters of legalization like to talk so much about. If the true purpose for legalization was about social justice, surely the current sticking point over the rate at which the state should tax the substance wouldn’t exist.“
Finally, in the days leading up to the vote, SAM president Dr. Kevin Sabet and NJ-RAMP Executive Director Stephen Reidargued that marijuana legalization is not the way forward for the state:
” The pot industry is longing to become the next Big Tobacco and will do everything in its power to decrease regulations and maximize its own profits – at the expense of public health and safety. Lawmakers need only to look at the alarming example of other states to see why marijuana legalization is the wrong path for New Jersey.“
Please take a moment to read through these op-eds and let me know what you think. If you would like to help us continue to get the message out and keep holding the marijuana industry accountable, chip-in with a donation by clicking here .
Thanks for all you do,
Kevin Sabet
President, Smart Approaches to Marijuana