
Scotland: ‘Medibles’ to utterly Mess up Our Minors!

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Drug dealers selling chocolate treats like Mars and Smarties packed with high-strength cannabis to KIDS via Instagram

The so-called ‘medibles’ (Marijuana edibles) are the latest way to package drugs according to detectives and are being sold apparently to school pupils

By Paul Drury August 2018, 

DRUG dealers in Scotland are packing sweet treats like Mars bars and Smarties with high-strength cannabis and selling them to KIDS on Instagram, police have warned.

The so-called “medibles” (Marijuana edibles) are the latest way to package drugs according to detectives and are being sold apparently to school pupils.

The items look like a familiar chocolate treats from giant confectionery brands Mars or Smarties — but are full of high-strength cannabis, called ‘skunk’.

They contain the powerful THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis.

Sales at the click of the button were uncovered by the Mail on Sunday, which spent hundreds of pounds on test purchases in Glasgow and Perth.

An undercover female reporter was warned the chocolate was “very strong” and only to eat a third of a cake to ensure she was not “knocked out.”

“Make no mistake, this is on our radar and we are actively monitoring social media sites. Anyone caught supplying medible products should know it could result in a prison sentence. It is a controlled drug and will be treated the same way as other controlled drugs

“Some of the dealers are now operating huge operations almost like multinational companies — with managing directors and distributors.”

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