Providence Press Conference with Local Officials and Advocacy Groups Marks Official Unveiling of Our New Ad Campaign Opposing Marijuana Legalization in Rhode Island
Dear Friend,
Today, SAM Action joined Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, Ocean State Prevention Alliance, and What’s the Rush, RI? to announce our united opposition against Rhode Island House Bill No. 5555 and Senate Bill No. 420, which would legalize the commercialization and sales of marijuana in Rhode Island. As part of this big announcement, today also marks the official rollout of our bold new ad campaign called “Are We Sure?”
These ads, which will run in bus stops throughout Providence and online, highlight the unintended health and safety consequences of marijuana legalization. We want to lift the “smoke screen” created by marijuana lobbyists and expose them for who they really are: the next Big Tobacco.
We hope to ask the questions many legislators aren’t asking: Are we sure we want to commercialize another addictive industry? Are we sure we’re ready for more stoned drivers on our roads, and a future with pot shops on every block?
It’s time we had an honest conversation about legalized marijuana and its harmful effects. We know that marijuana – which has skyrocketed in average potency over the past decades – is addictive and harmful to the human brain, especially when used by adolescents. In states that have already legalized the drug, there has been an increase in drugged driving crashes and youth marijuana use. These states have also seen a black market that continues to thrive, sustained marijuana arrest rates, and a consistent rise in alcohol sales.
Thanks again for all that you do to support SAM Action’s efforts!
About SAM Action
SAM Action is a non-profit, 501(c)(4) social welfare organization dedicated to promoting healthy marijuana policies that do not involve legalizing drugs. Learn more about SAM Action and its work at visit