Cannabis tax used to expunge criminal records
Cannabis tax has not delivered on funding addiction treatment! Not only has that promised been broken, but more concerningly, some of the ‘revenues’ have been used to expunge criminal records. One California grant will cover about 500 expungements and help cover the costs of a paralegal and interns.
Cannabis tax used to expunge criminal records
Cannabis tax has not delivered on funding addiction treatment — but it has been used to expunge criminal records. One California grant will cover about 500 expungements and help cover the costs of a paralegal and interns.
Promises and pitfalls of cannabis taxes
“No one knows the best way to tax either medical or recreational cannabis,” explains Professor Beau Kilmer of RAND Drug Policy Research Center.
So-called ‘government’ report on cannabis tax revenue
Newsnight and some of the media referred to “government” report claiming £millions would be earned by legalising drugs — but the report was headed by legalisation campaigner Nick Clegg and based on ISER paper funded by George Soros.
Taxes on cannabis, gambling are unreliable
As Oklahoma prepares to collect taxes on marijuana, a new study from the Pew Charitable Trusts urges caution when relying too much on that money. Its latest report highlights the history of “sin taxes,” or revenue collected from things like marijuana,…
Claim: legalising cannabis could boost Irish tax revenues by millions
US entrepreneur claims pharmaceutical industry against drug legalisation even though Big Pharma/Big Pot plans cannabis products. Perhaps he read the Big Tobacco/Big Pot book on post-truth rules? Has he not heard about Colorado’s revenue deficit, amid the rising problems of legalisation?
Increase in cannabis consumption likely if decriminalised in Australia
Australia’s National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre found that an estimated 4.2% of the population aged 14 and over, who have never tried cannabis before, would try it if use of the drug were legal. No surprise: legalisers have lauded…
IASIC: International Association on the Science and Impact of Cannabis
Based scientific evidence, IASIC concludes that “the public health effects of high potency cannabis are harmful. These growing negative impacts further strain health care and addiction treatment resources to the extent that they far surpass taxation revenues”.
Cannabis firm with only £6,000 assets was handed £33million for PPE
The Department of Health and Social Care gave 2 contracts worth £33million of hardworking taxpayers’ money to CannaGrow Biosciences despite the company’s accounts showing it has only £6,000 in net assets.
Anger as Gavin and Stacey show pushes misconception that cannabis is OK
Lord Nicholas Monson, whose son killed himself after becoming hooked on cannabis, claims BBC is trivialising psychoactive drug dangers in Christmas comedy — using taxpayers’ money. See also: Peter Hitchens on The secret BBC ad for cannabis.