Overdose Surge Sparks SF Debate Over Harm Reduction
San Francisco has long embraced a philosophy of harm reduction in its drug treatment programs. The goal is to prevent deaths and disease by providing clean syringes, medications that help curb addiction, and other judgment-free treatment support. Studies show that this approach does save lives. But now the city is in the midst of a fentanyl-fueled overdose crisis, with more than 1300 deaths over two years. In response, some officials are questioning the effectiveness of the harm reduction model, calling for other options like abstinence-only treatment programs. We’ll discuss the history, science and politics of drug treatment in San Francisco.
For complete conversation go to https://www.kqed.org/forum/2010101888161/overdose-surge-sparks-sf-debate-over-harm-reduction
Also see
This is NOT Compassion – This is Carnage & Chaos: ‘Harm Reduction’ That Is NOT!
San Francisco’s Deadly Compassion
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