Warm welcome to join our monthly webinar on 7th of April at 12:00 noon UTC. This time we will focus on drug prevention.
Drug prevention is a key element of the sustainable development agenda. Nevertheless, drug prevention is often overlooked and ignored, especially in countries that discuss plans to legalize cannabis or to decriminalize cannabis and other drugs.
But there are also inspiring examples of initiatives for community mobilization for drug prevention. Some members of Movendi International have run impressive community mobilization campaigns for the promotion of drug prevention.
This webinar is about hearing from them, discussing with them and learning from their experience.
The goal of this webinar is to inspire and empower to develop similar initiatives and to connect members with experts in the field of drug prevention.
As the topic is rising in importance, we want to build capacity and share best practices so that we can all engage proactively and effectively in the drug policy debate and to advance drug prevention.