
Global: #420 Commiserating The Chaos of Cannabis

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AALM is counting down to 420 with a daily update on the man-made disaster that is pot.

Each April 20th pot heads celebrate “their” special holiday. It harkens back to high school students in San Rafael California who designated 4:20 pm as the time they would gather to smoke weed. Today 420 designates anything marijuana and remains as juvenile as its beginnings. 

“Legalization” is worse than a Failure

  • Now that the drug is “above ground” the influence of drug dealers has been expanded and institutionalized
    • Major marketing and ad campaigns are commonplace.
    • Unscrupulous investors see the pot industry as another potential .com boom.
    • Pot lobbyists and lawyers are ubiquitous in DC and every city where pot is welcomed.
    • Candidates and elected officials receive millions in donations to do the bidding of the pot industry.
    • Big corporations are taking over the marijuana market.

Robert Cory, considered the founding father of pot legalization in Colorado, says it this way, “I wish I could be proud of what we created, but I’m not. The outcome of 64 is shameful, hurts people, and Colorado is not “safer.”

For more 10-DAY COUNTDOWN TO 420