October 17th, 2018 will be a day we look back on as a dark day in our history – the day Canada began nationwide legal sales of high-potency marijuana. It will be remembered as the day Canadian lawmakers put the interest of an addiction-for-profit industry over the health and safety of its citizens.
To make matters worse, the decision made in Ontario almost immediately after allowing for public pot smoking — an astonishing provision given how we think of secondhand tobacco smoke — will put more people at risk, and shows this law’s true colors.
We at
SAM and our partners at
SAM Canada were determined not to stay silent.
So we grabbed a microphone and took to the streets, gathering with our fellow Canadian brothers and sisters. We were amazed at the attention we garnered: dozens and dozens of cameras, joined by scores of strangers, witnessed as we discussed marijuana dependence and addiction, mental illness, drugged driving, second-hand smoke, child exposure.
Here are just a few pieces of coverage the rally against legalization earned:
We didn’t fly all the way to Vancouver to simply protest legalization, we used the event to launch a watchdog website,
www.PotWatch.org, to be used to expose the harms of Big Marijuana in Canada.
Pot Watch will serve as a hub for Canadians to access help and make their voices heard. It will work to shine a light on the realities the marijuana industry wants to remain in the darkness.
Our message is being heard, despite the best efforts of Big Marijuana.
Thank you for all that you are doing to spread our message and expose the harms of this greedy industry. We could not do it without your continued support.