
Australia: Rise is WA health costs scary: report (AOD and Mental Health key elements)

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The Sustainable Health Review has found a “scary” increase in WA health spending has to be reined in.

Spending on health is almost out of control in Western Australia and had more than doubled in the last decade representing nearly $1 in every $3 the government spends, a new report has found.

Health is the biggest cost for the state budget: employing 30,000 staff, representing almost $9 billion, or 30 per cent, and accounting for more than half of every new dollar spent between 2013/14 and 2016/17.

It is on track to reach 38 per cent of the budget in 2026.

Other major issues were a growing and ageing population, inequity in health outcomes, wealth disparity, mental health, and drug and alcohol issues, all of which impact upon the sustainability of the health system…”The rate of growth is scary, a 49 per cent increase in emergency department attendances (2005-15) and 39 per cent per cent in hospitalisations,” Ms Kruk said.

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